Monday, 23 July 2012

CAS cost accounting standards & DCAA Auditor

Many of the SMS enterprises have a chance of being contracted with the government tenders and the contracts offered. Various stages involved in this process are being analyzed by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA).  A lot of research and examination is involved while setting up these contracts to be offered to the potential candidates so that they can favor them to accomplish the goals that are set by the organization.

The certified DCAA do not support job cost accounting software packages. In fact they support contractor job cost accounting practices in conformity with Federal Cost Accounting Standards to ensure that they meet up the required set standards. Though you have gained enough knowledge about the system and the process that takes place, but I would persuade you to review for the better understanding with regard to your business system. Maybe you have learnt that CAS costaccounting standards is acquiescent job  to estimate cost accounting effects if your business structure, your  wide array of planning for indirect rates along with  your general ledger, overhead and G&A structure. You might know that Defense Contract Audit MD would like to review your government contracts accounted for in an individual blog  cost center from your commercial toil and that there are certain reserved costs that  cannot be included directly or indirectly to government contracts as per the polices of the contract.

DCAA look over the Proposal audits on your cost proposal  if Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO) plea to the DCCA and validate your direct and indirect rates in adjacent to your wide categories including your labor pricing, conditional hire agreements, retailer quota, subcontractor proposals and all other  categories linked to the cost volume of the proposal. All the observed analysis is then taken to PCO for further calculations. No outlook is presented on the merit of the pricing, only that it has been accepted in a long-range plan or a vendor or subcontractor quota and it is exact.

DCCA audit is on live data from your billing method. It is generated by your tendering a progress payment under an organization, fixed price contract.

The DCAA auditor will get the audit plea from the contracting activity and will ask to check the entire categories of job cost records in your accounting system for earned cost on the fixed price contract and tie those accounts out to the progress payment claimed amount that is usually 85-90% of the incurred cost to date. Records audited are at the time card and outflow report level, purchase orders, travel coupons and any other transactions that are booked and billed in your accounting system to the fixed price contract. They have all the back up behind to trace any document at the time, when it is needed. DCCA and CPA in Virginia is well known to perform all these functions in authentic and accurate manner hence increasing the profitability of the firm and achieving the desired aims.